Boards Reconciliation How do I gain forgiveness?

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  • #72755
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    My Ex broke up with me in April last year, we were together for 3 years. During the summer he came back to me and tried to win me back, but I had my guard up and wouldn’t let him in. I started to see this other guy and on paper he was perfect and I chose this guy over my ex. I realised this was a mistake and it was just a rebound, I was stupid to not give my ex a chance so I ended it with this other guy. I didn’t go running back to my ex as soon as I ended it we just re-connected. However, he said it could not go any further because although he loves me and wants to be with me he cannot forgive me. I sincerely apologised and said I understood and would give him some space. So I wanted to know how I can earn his forgiveness and get my ex back permantly during no contact rule? Also I work with him every now and then which cannot be helped.
    Just need to know how I can earn his forgiveness, thank you.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @katiewilde – You’ve done all you can so now it’s up to your ex to forgive you. He’s feeling disappointed that you didn’t take him back and maybe hurt that you chose the other guy over him. Why did he break up with you last April? Whatever the reasons, work on improving yourself in those areas so that if you get back together, he would be less inclined to break up with you again. When we make mistakes, apologize, and ask forgiveness, it’s like the teaching in the Bible. Apologizing and asking for forgiveness means “repenting”, which means taking a 180 degree turn away from the mistake and trying very hard not to repeat that same mistake again.
    Give him time and I hope he reconsiders..

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @katiewilde – Whenever you see him at work, be courteous, but don’t ask him about his feelings or ask to get back together. If he talks with you, keep the conversation business like or light and casual. Wish you the best.

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